Eli Ríos


When everything is over, it’s so easy to look back and see your mistakes. When you look at things from another person’s perspective, it’s easy too. The hard part is acting the way your gut tells you to at the exact moment things are happening. In real time. At the exact same moment. That Wednesday morning I remember thinking how much I hated eggs that still had bits of chicken shit on them. Sure it was quite natural and all that, but the only thing I could think of was that I was going to eat something that had come out of an animal’s butt. A chicken’s butt. That was really, really filthy, was the best you could say about it, it was the filthiest thing ever! After that, like I’ve already said, a thousand and one times, I don’t remember what happened very well. I beat the eggs so I could get the nastiest part out of the way and when I went to cut the potatoes up, they weren’t there. I could swear I’d put them on the table, but they weren’t there. Impossible. I searched all the cupboards, but there wasn’t even a bag of the fried ones I sometimes used in an emergency. The only solution was to head to Milucha’s store. I ran into Moncho on the steps on the fourth floor as he was coming home from work. And he got mad. And we argued. And he pushed me. And I fell. And I hurt my head really bad and I didn’t die because it wasn’t my time to go as much as I wanted to. In those cases, what one wants and what actually happens are like two different worlds. That was probably the first time I felt they were close to me, but I didn’t know it yet. I wasn’t aware. They were trying to tell me something, but I wasn’t ready to listen to them.

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